The show, loosely based on the book by Giuliano Santoro, tells a story that happened in the multi-ethnic district of Torpignattara in Rome. It is here that in 2014 Shahzad, a Pakistani man of 28 years of age, was killed. A Roman minor killed him with his bare hands. A few days later the boy’s father was accused of incitement to murder and complicity and was arrested.
On the scene two young actors tell Shahzad’s story intertwining it with other stories, giving substance to the many episodes that the book refers to.
The show reconnects the threads that link the killing of Shahzad to its context and to the roots of the relationship between the city of Rome and migrants.
The killing of Shahzad is an opportunity to recount the threads of a complex web in which Rome becomes the mirror of the contradictions of our time. From a case in the news section starts a vortex of a show that involves migrants, precarious youths, the public opinion obsessed with the “different”, but also formidable experiences of exchange and solidarity.
Year_ 2019
Category_ Theatre Archive
Production_ Margine Operativo
Concept_ Alessandra Ferraro e Pako Graziani
Loosely based on the book “Al Palo della morte – storia di un omicidio in una periferia meticcia” by Giuliano Santoro (ed. Alegre 2016).
dramaturgy and direction Pako Graziani
with Tiziano Panici e Aleksandros Memetaj
music Dario Salvagnini
light designer Valerio Maggi
in cooperation with Kollatino Underground, Argot Studio, Attraversamenti Multipli
Debut: 28 october 2016 – Attraversamenti Multipli Festival