Conference/Performance on the plight of entertainment workers.
The term culture comes from the Latin verb còlere, “to cultivate”.
Culture is a necessary asset for individual growth and for the development of a territory, but too often it is considered as something of no importance, if not a cost to the community.
Thousands of people are employed in live entertainment, but the daily reality of these professionals is little or not at all known, so much so that official statistics do not allow for a thorough representation of this sector.
And from an analysis of the data, all the distortions of the new millennium emerge. Half of the workers in the entertainment industry (51.4%) have an annual income of no more than 5,000 euros, while 37.5% earn between 5 and 15 thousand. And only 4.2% can count on an income over 25,000.
Among the numerous items of expenditure that appear in the budgets of the Italian Republic, there is a particularly important one that concerns the cost of weapons. Italy spends every year billions of euro for the purchase of new armaments: planes, tanks, missiles, rifles and other war instruments.In recent years, costs have increased: SIPRI data show that Italy is in twelfth place worldwide for military spending.
Year_ 2017
Category_ Performance Archive
Production_ Margine Operativo
Concept_ Alessandra Ferraro and Pako Graziani
Dramaturgy and direction: Pako Graziani
With: Tiziano Panici
Co-production: Attraversamenti Multipli
Freely taken from:
– Vita di artisti: Ricerca nazionale sulle condizioni di vita e di lavoro dei professionisti dello spettacolo realizzata dalla Fondazione Di Vittorio con il contributo e il supporto della SLC-Cgil.
– Vita di artisti : la condizione dei lavoratori dello spettacolo pubblicato il 18/05/2017 / da Mimma Gallina sulla webzine di cultura teatrale ATEATRO.
– Il primo F 35 italiano ha compiuto la trasvolata dell’Atlantico – 8 Feb 2016 Il Sole 24 ore